Friday, May 30, 2014

R.J. Reynolds Mansion on Sapelo Island: Day 9

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R.J. Reynolds Mansion on Sapelo Island

Description: Sapelo Island is one of the many barrier islands on the coast of Georgia. However, Sapelo Island is different than every other island because of the Gullah-Geechee community present on the island at Hog Hammock and the island was owned by three rich figures in history. The island was first owned by Thomas Spalding, the man who started a plantation on the island and got the ancestors of the current Gullah-Geechee community on Sapelo. The second owner was Howard Coffin, who developed the rich and wealthy Sea Island. The last owner was R.J. Reynolds, the heir to the tobacco industry in Winston-Salem. There is a gorgeous mansion on the south end of the island built by Thomas Spalding. "Spalding built a palatial home to withstand hurricanes and the test of time" (Darien brochure.) The outside of the mansion is beautiful but unfortunately, we couldn't see the inside.

Reflection: Besides the gorgeous mansion, most of the houses on Sapelo Island belong to either low or lower middle class families. The population of Hog Hammock is only seventy people and seeing their tiny community was bittersweet to me. The reason being is because I love the laid back and relaxed feel of Hog Hammock but I also do not want to live a life where I am struggling everyday financially to provide for my family. Seeing Hog Hammock proved to myself that I do not want my family or myself to ever have to worry about money but I also want to live in a community that is relaxed and laid back such as Hog Hammock. And even though I do not want to live in a place like Hog Hammock, I respect the citizens because they are trying to preserve their heritage and history by living in the same place and living a simple lifestyle based off of religion just like previous generations before them. I do not want to be prideful and use my wealth that God has blessed me on material things such as the Mansion. Even if that Mansion is gorgeous, I do not want to be remembered for my materialistic things but my faith in God.

Analysis: The Mansion is important to the history of Sapelo Island because the Mansion was the centerpiece of the island after the plantations on the island went away. Throughout the islands history, three separate United States Presidents have visited the Mansion and they are: Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, and Jimmy Carter. R.J. Reynolds used the Mansion as a vacation spot and he later decided to give Georgia University some land and buildings near the Mansion where students could live and study marine biology. The University of Georgia still uses those same buildings to allow undergraduate and graduate students to study marine biology. The Mansion is the focal point of the island outside Hog Hammock and without the Mansion, Sapelo Island may not be as much of a tourist destination as it is today. Overall, the Mansion is a gorgeous structure that has had famous people walk it is halls but the Mansion has also brought Sapelo Island tourist and money to help the island financially.

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